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Amazon Rain Forest Fire

Amazon Rain Forest Fire

mazon forest fire,Causes of The Fire in Amazon Rain Forest : A Global ecological crisis

The Fire in Amazon Rain Forest-

The Amazon Rain Forest is called the Lung of the Earth. In this dense forest, about one-fifth of the earth's oxygen is produced, and one-fourth is consumed by carbon-dioxide. The Amazon Rain Forest such an extremely useful friend. The world's largest dense forest is burned by fire. In South America, the Amazon rain forest is spread over an area of ​​about 100,000 km in the Amazon River basin. In the last eight months, there have been 12,000 fires. As a result, the ashes are burnt into the lungs of the world. Smoke was spread across the sky. It is spread over nine countries - Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana. Particularly damaged are the Amazon-based parts of Brazil. Amazon is home to rare species of flora and fauna. The Amazon rain forest is the backbone of biodiversity about food and food chain. The removal of forest resources has caused irreparable harm to the environment. The reason behind the fire on Amazon is the search. Fire is a natural disaster. In order to prevent global warming, the Forestry Commission's program has been adopted in but not to good the destruction of forests and wildlife.



Tropical Rain Forest


This basin encompasses 7,000,000 km2 of 5,500,000km2


Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Surinam, Fransis Guina,Equodor


The Amazon


Latitude 3°27’ 55’’ S and Longitude 62° 12’ 57’’ W


The Typical Equatorial climate( Rainy, Humid and Worm )


200-300 cm




2.5 million insect species,40,000 plant species,2200 fishes, 428 amphibian, 378 reptiles, 96,000 invertebrates, 2000 birds and mammals.




Black Caiman, Jaguar, Anteater, Giant Otter, Howler Monkey,


Harpy Eagle, Toucan and Hoatzin, Vampire bats


Anaconda, Aligator


Dart poison Frog


Pirhana, Electric eels


Bullet Ant


Mahogany, Rosewood, Coconut Palm. Besides, Cinchona, Banana, Plantain, Bamboos, Wild Rubber and other trees of great commercial value are found in abundance in these forests


300 Brazilian Tribes, Portugis Tribes.largest Amazonian Tribes of brazil- Tikuna

What's happening Now:

Amazon's forests are being burned in horror. The 'lungs', which supply 20 percent of the world's oxygen, are burning fast.  Millions of trees are death With death many species. The condition was going to be for three weeks. Although it has been widely circulated around the world, the fire has not been extinguished in any way. The intensity of the fire is so horrible that the sky in the Brazilian capital is blackened by smoke. According to the fact, about 1,000 square kilometers of the forest is being burned every minute. The smoke of the fire over the Amazon region has darkened day by day in Sao Paula, Brazil's largest city. The distance from the Amazon forests to Sao Paola is about 3 and a half kilometers. As the fire swept across the region, daytime darkness fell to Sao Paula, Brazil's largest city. Ordinary people are leaving the city for life. The aboriginal people living in the Amazon jungle are crying out loud: 'Give back that forest to the city'.

Nations all over the world must response Immediately. Media has become really hopeless.

When Nature Dame was burned, a worldwide tragedy was declared and in just days 218 million euros were raised to rebuild it. The Amazon has been burning for 16 days, the lung of the world, which is home to to date, at least 40,000 plant species, 427 mammals (e.g. jaguar, anteater and giant otter), 1,300 birds (e.g. harpy eagle, toucan, and hoatzin), 378 reptiles (e.g. boa), more than 400 amphibians (e.g. dart poison frog) and around 3,000 freshwater fishes including the piranha have been found in the Amazon. Out of the plants, there are 16000 species of trees.


The world is not dying, we are killing it.

(from- Ancestral Arts Custom Collars)

What's the cause of the fire :

In this year  72,000 times are burned in  the amazon rain forest .the environmentalist realized the main cause of fire in amazon Deforestation for house and agriculture, Draught, global warming, etc

What’s the step for extinguishing the fire:

This is the first time Bolivia has come forward. Bolivian President Eva Morales has already spoken to Brazil. The operation was launched with the tanker in the sky to bring the fire under control. The specific hydraulic super tanker holds the most water. It can fly with 4,000 liters of water. The aircraft will pour water over the Amazon jungle that is on fire. Before the tanker flew, an airborne aircraft flew and identified the affected areas. After that, the super-tanker flew through the area to pour water. The tanker has three additional helicopters. There are 3 firefighter soldiers who are trying to extinguish the fire. Then France, India, America, Latin American many countries, united kingdom have come to help Brazil.

Distribution :

 The Amazon rain forest climatic regions are found along the equator reaching Latitude 3°27’ 55’’ S and Longitude 62° 12’ 57’’ W .The following regions have the tropical rain forest climate: the Amazon River Basin in South America, eastern Central America, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Surinam, Francis Guinea, Equador western Colombia, coastal lowlands of eastern Brazil


At times the night temperatures in these regions may register a fall of 15°C as a result of which the native population feels uncomfortable from the nocturnal cold (even though the temperature is above 15°C). That is why it is said that 'night is the winter of the tropics'.

 During the day time, the maximum temperature seldom exceeds 38°C, but high relative humidity combined with intense sunlight and slight air sensible temperature is always very high because of a very low rate of evaporation. Besides, because of dense cloud cover and excessive moisture, even the nights in certain locations give little relief from the oppressive heat. However, nocturnal cooling often produces ground fogs and dew.

Pressure and winds:

The equatorial regions lie in a belt of calm where the winds are light and variable. The temperatures being uniformly high throughout the year, these regions are characterized by low-temperature gradients, which produce a feeble pressure gradient resulting in very slight wind movement. The pressure gradient decreases towards the central parts of these regions until there is an area of calm.

With the shifting of wind belts, the trade winds bring relief to different parts of the Amazon rain forest at different seasons. Even though they are warm, they encourage evaporation from the body so that the effect is pleasantly cooling. In the central parts of the region, the island stations experience sultry and oppressive weather, but the coastal areas do get the beneficial effects of the cool sea breezes which are most welcome for their refreshing and cooling effect. In addition, squall winds produced by occasional thunderstorms bring some temporary relief to the local inhabitants.


 The Amazon rain forest gets abundant precipitation throughout the year. There are many areas in the tropical rain-forest region which receive 200 cm. of rain annually. The annual average rainfall at Iquitos, Peru is 261 cm. A very thick layer of the atmosphere comprises humid and unstable air. The equatorial regions are also frequented by numerous thunderstorms and weak atmospheric disturbances.

The Amazon rain forest climate is characterized by a fairly large amount of cloudiness, about 60 percent on average. Most of the clouds are of cumulus type. Humidity and cloudiness make the equatorial heat very oppressive.

The Amazon rain forest climate receives convectional rainfall falling with great force from towering cumulonimbus clouds or thunderheads with accompanying thunder and lightning. There may be several thunderstorms in a single day.

 Weak atmospheric disturbances may yield precipitation for many hours and the skies may remain overcast. Even though there is no dry season in The Amazon rain forest climate, the rainfall is not evenly distributed throughout the year. Certain months of the year receive more rainfall than the others. However, no month receives less than 6 cm. of rain. Thus, the seasonal rainfall regime is conspicuous by its absence.

During the exceptionally wet periods, most of the days receive precipitation, while there are a few days with no rains. In the less wet seasons, on the other hand, the number of rainy days is few and the amount of precipitation on each rainy day is less. Belem's in the Amazon Valley receives an average of 239 cm. of rain much of which falls in the month of March. November is relatively much less rainy with only 10 rainy days, whereas March has 28 rainy days.

Natural  Vegetation :

High temperature and heavy rainfall which characterize the tropical wet climate encourage the luxuriant growth of natural vegetation. There are broad-leafed evergreen dense forests. Trees are gregarious in nature. In other

words, the trees comprise numerous species. In a small area there grow an enormous number and varieties of trees. In certain parts of the Brazilian rain forests, there are about 300 species of trees in 2 km area.

The equatorial rain forest is called selva. there is a thick and impenetrable undergrowth which includes vines, ferns, mosses, orchids and a large number of other plant species.

The  Amazon rain-forests  have some of the most valuable trees like mahogany, rosewood, coconut palm. Besides, cinchona, banana, plantain, bamboos, wild rubber and other trees of great commercial value are found in abundance in these forests.

Animal life :

The tops of the trees in Amazon rain-forests abound in animal life-like birds and bats which feed on insects. Below the top level, there are found many kinds of birds, mammals, reptiles, and invertebrates. These creatures feed on leaves and fruits of the trees. On the forest floor, there are both types of animals, carnivores, and herbivores. The richness of the fauna of the rain-forest can be imagined by the fact that in the Canal Zone about 20,000 species of insects are found in a 16 km2 area.

The amazing fact of amazon:

Amazon does not come out of Amazon even a drop of oxygen. Each year, the Amazon rainforest produces 20 times the oxygen needed by all humans on earth. All it takes to meet the needs of the ecosystem that lives in the Amazon. Amazon does not mean that oxygen does not give people? The simple answer - not directly. This is a strange global process. What is the whole thing? It sounds like a thriller. The thriller begins in the North African desert. Dust storm Dust particles mixed with hot air. Slowly cross the Atlantic, the dust falls into the Amazon basin. The plants and the rest of the ecosystem take away valuable food for survival. An average of 30 million tonnes of dust is collected from Africa every year on Amazon The tree draws water from the ground. The water evaporates over gravity. A river of thousands of square miles. Which is much larger than the Amazon River below. The steam river crossed the whole of South America and pushed into the Andes Mountains. It rains. The rainwater flows down the Andes to the Amazon basin. The stone is washed away. Minerals are mixed with Emergency nutrition. Amazon meshes into the sea. There is an outstanding item waiting for that nutrient. Diatom. This diatom at sea is one of the major sources of oxygen in the world. This diatom uses silica floating in the river water. Creates a new cell. A type of breeding. Every day, their number doubles. The diatom can do photosynthesis. From that comes our oxygen. 5% of all our oxygen is needed. Amazon will be lost if there is no African dust storm. If not Amazon, Diatom won't survive. If you do not have a diatom, the oxygen source will be reduced by one push.

Taken from the pobitro das' wall.


As a conclusion, we say that in the amazon rain forest region, the temperature of precipitation is very high. Many types of plant & animal species are found here. Fire and Deforestation of the amazon rain forests is a critical problem facing the human species today. The tropical forests not only affect the regional climate but provide humanity with many crucial medicines & other products. If the forests are destroyed, a major planetary biome will cease to function.

Reference    :

2.Britannica .com
3.Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest
4.Pic- Pixabay, pexel, unplash
5.adhunik geography- D : Judhirstir Hazra and Dulal das
6.Climatology -D.S.Lal.
7.NEWS PORTAL: India Today, Times of India,
8.Sanchita Mondal Sarkar, MSc, geography.

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